
Quarterly Committee

Important: Please email fps@fps.org.uk to notify us of any changes.

Chair: Malcolm O’Sullivan – Van Elle

Paul WiltcherAarsleff
Laylee EftekharBachy Soletanche
Martin PedleyBachy Soletanche
Jane Towse-LavalBalfour Beatty
Mark PenningtonBalfour Beatty
Kenneth HendersonBAM Ritchies
Julia NicholsonBauer Equipment
John TheosBauer Tech
Paul DoyleBauer Tech
Steve HadleyCentral Piling 
Gareth CrawfordDawson Wam
James McCrearyDawson Wam
Paul Kelly Dawson Wam
Ross WilliamsonDawson Wam
Simon WilsonDawson Wam
Ronan O’RourkeExpanded
Sam PyperFK Lowry
Douglas CookFK Lowry
Niall McGill FK Lowry
Stephen Edmondson Foundation Piling 
Alan Turner Franki Foundation
Devji BhuvaGSS Piling 
Mark WilliamsKeller
Simon JonesKeller
David De Sousa NetoKeller
Andrew Heathcote Keller
Stuart NormanKeltbray
David MajorLaing O’Rourke
Sharon FoleyMartello Piling 
Chris BeynonMartello Piling 
John ScannellMurphy 
Megan cairney Roger Bullivant
Tom AllenRock & Allvium
Jon BallRoger Bullivant
David ClementRoger Bullivant
Catherine LehaneSkanska
Scott WhiteSkanska
Brandon FerreiraVan Elle
Marc EvansVibro Menard 
Matthew hurst Volker Ground Engineering