The Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS), is hosting its first webinar and the first in a series focussing on sustainability – “Calculating your project’s carbon footprint”, on 21 July 2020, at 11am.
With the UK committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, it is important we begin examining how this can be achieved on a geotechnical construction site. This first webinar tackles this complex subject and will explain why carbon reduction is important as well as how companies can take the first step on the journey to reducing emissions by simply measuring its carbon footprint.
As well as discussing the EFFC/DFI Carbon Calculator, which is the industry leading tool for being able to estimate and measure the emissions on site for a piling or geotechnical project, the webinar will also go through how it works, its ease of use and how it can allow you to compare different techniques and approaches to a project.
The webinar will be hosted by David Major, Leader of the FPS Early Career Group, with a rough programme as follows:
• Introduction – Steve Hadley – FPS Chair
• Environmental sustainability – Luke Deamer (Keller)
• How to use the Carbon Calculator – Martin Stanley (Bachy Soletanche)
Aimed at audiences including Geotechnical/FPS Members, clients, main contractors, and the FPS Early Careers Group members, the webinar will be both educational and informative. It will also carry CPD points and a video preview of content is available here – https://vimeo.com/432422539
To register to participate in the webinar, visit https://www.fps.org.uk/events/fps-sustainability-series-calculating-your-projects-carbon-footprint/