The FPS is pleased to support Environment Analyst’s Brownfield Regeneration Summit – taking place online on 9-10 & 23-24 November, and comprises the annual Remediation, Waste Management and Brownfield Planning & Development conferences.
With a core theme of Achieving Sustainability in Brownfield Regeneration, this virtual event is the perfect opportunity for you to come together with other environmental, development, and planning professionals to gain practical insights and best-practice solutions for developing brownfield and contaminated sites that achieve sustainability and net zero goals.
Join over 80 companies confirmed to attend, including: Berkeley Group, Environment Agency, Homes England, Shell, the Ministry of Defence, CL:AIRE, Baylight Properties, plus several local authorities.
FPS members receive a 10% discount off the event by entering the code FPS10 at the checkout.
Don’t miss out and book your ticket today.