The Federation of Piling Specialists’ (FPS) Chair John Chick has been invited to present the keynote address at the up-coming GE Piling & Foundations Conference, which is being held 29 June 2022, at Etc St Paul’s, London.
John’s presentation will look at how we can futureproof the piling and foundations sector – specifically he will explore what we could actually do now, as well as well as suggest areas we need to be looking at in the future.
It is widely accepted the sector needs to continue its efforts to attract bright new talent to the industry and to retain experience, and John will be looking at some of the initiatives in place to support this, but he will also stress that whilst we are changing the way we work, this is primarily out of necessity, and that we need to be planning more the future ‘changed’ way of how we will be working.
The continued focus on Safety will also be discussed and the importance of mental health, which has come to the fore.
Of course, John will also discuss the need to think sustainably in design and ask us to raise questions about how sustainable the project at-hand is, and can we design the piling and foundations better for a lower carbon impact?
He will conclude his presentation with a reminder of what a fantastic and essential industry we are part of, and that we should be rightly proud of its achievements and the great strides it has made to ever higher levels of safety, performance, and professionalism.
Setting the tone for the entire event, the conference is a must-attend for anyone looking to understand the current challenges the industry faces.
A 15% discount has been negotiated for FPS members wishing to attend. To find out more about the event and to book tickets visit: https://tinyurl.com/mc3z5btb. If you experience any issues securing your FPS member discount, please contact debbie@joocemarketing.co.uk