“Compassionate Leadership in Practice” was the topic for February’s Early Careers Group (ECG) session, which was presented by FPS Chair, Steve Hadley.
Host David Major kicked off the session, which was attended by members from Expanded, Murphy, Keltbray, Keller, Roger Bullivant, Bachy Soletanche, Bauer Technologies, BAM Ritchies, Cementation Skanska, and FK Lowry, with an update from the FPS Quarterly meeting, held 23rd February, and an invitation for a new ECG chair and vice chair, due to David’s stepping down from the post.
After a brief overview of the forthcoming presentation on ‘rotary and piling with support fluid’, Steve began his presentation by asking why members had chosen to attend this session. The main responses were:
• I want to learn more about leadership
• I want to hear about a career journey
With these responses to hand, Steve then explained to the group his background and how throughout his career he has been able to experience different departments within a piling business and at the early stage of his career success to him was becoming chartered. Steve then went on to explain about understanding your brand as an individual and how to define to yourself how you want to be seen by others.
Steve then encouraged members to explore and seize opportunities in their development, trying new roles and experiences, as it can help them grow as an individual.
The presentation then moved on what makes a leader and that leaders need to be “comfortable with being uncomfortable”, with Steve explaining that in his experience caring about your role and your duties is a sign of strength and not weakness, as so often seen by people.
Steve defined other leadership qualities as:
• Being able to listen to people
• Provide praise as it helps to motivate
• Be compassionate and flexible to the challenges you face
Steve was keen to stress that anyone can become a leader, and that it is not a title which makes a leader. The group were encouraged to get excited about being engaged with their jobs and to welcome honest feedback from colleagues to help them develop. Steve also reminded the group that in order to grow through your career you have to be prepared to fail.
Throughout the presentation Steve provided the group with reading material recommendations including “The Chimp Paradox”, by Professor Steve Peters and “Outliers”, by Malcolm Gladwell.
The presentation ended with a lively Q&A session, with members asking Steve question including why he choose to acquire Central Piling and how do you switch off outside of work?
Steve’s answers included recognising the triggers for stress and to take yourself out of a situation if required and to ensure you have a healthy diet and lifestyle to give yourself the best chances in life.
Feedback of the session was extremely positive.
Contact David Major for a copy of the presentation – DaMajor@laingorourke.com