

Restricted Zones Guidance

This guidance has been produced to assist members in creating restricted zones around plants and equipment usually found on a piling worksite; whilst also promoting the importance of understanding the need for sufficient space to be provided enabling the safe performance and the effective separation of individuals and the operational plant.

Using the strapline “Thumbs Up for Safe Access”, the 44-page colorful handbook highlights the ‘do’s and don’ts‘ of safe access. This guidance provides clear and concise illustrations of typical working situations with Red Zones “Authorised Personnel only” and Green Zones marked, where appropriate, to highlight your presence to the plant operator/driver to ensure safe passage.

Safety is paramount, and it is critically important that we do all we can to minimize the risk from moving plants or falling objects within a Restricted Zone where ONLY authorised personnel should enter or stand during normal operations as part of the specific piling related activities.

Restricted Zones Guidance - Published 2021